Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My thighs... owww

 Hell, Day 2

The first day of the 30 Day Shred went better than expected. By better I only mean that I didn't cry. Instead  I screamed and cursed at Jillian for making my body hurt so much. The strength circuits are the worst part, and of course, the longest. The only easy thing is the cardio because it's a bunch of jumping jacks and butt kicks. I want to start running again when the snow melts. Hopefully my mile time hasn't increased too much. During summer gym in the 8th grade it was around seven minutes. I am positive that it will now be no less than 15 minutes. I tried running last summer and made it around three sides of the block before I had to start walking. I'm ashamed.

Day two was going better than day one until I had to take my clothes to the basement. After my shower I walked to the stairway and stood there for a few minutes sizing up the stairs, knowing that my trip down wasn't going to end well. I couldn't decide what would be better, going down fast with more pain, or going down slow with less but having the possibility of getting stuck halfway down. I chose the first option and started my descent. After only one step I clung onto the railing for life, as my legs wobbled under me. It took about three minutes to get down the nine stairs. Going up wasn't as bad, mostly because I sat at my computer for half an hour and let my legs relax.

It's now almost eight and we are beginning to put Christmas decorations away. That means walking up 15 stairs to the attic instead of the 9 to the basement. My thighs hurt and for some odd reason so does my butt and my elbows. Apparently tennis has worn off already and I have the joints of an elderly person.

Alright enough complaining. I'm not dead yet and hopefully I will live through tomorrow too. Not sure about Friday though. Plenty of surprised to come!


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I felt way better going through day three... but how can my legs just HURT this much? It feels like my muscles are too short. And like those girls in the back have muscles I was simply born without.
