Saturday, December 29, 2012


Over the holiday, in a daze after too much holiday candy & comfort food, my sister & I decided that we'd do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred to welcome in the new year with a new lifestyle. We're both feeling a bit saggy around the middle, a bit tired all the time... and a bit afraid of exercise.

We've both started this workout before. I'm not sure how far she's gone, but I usually fizzle out after a measly three days. I know, I know. Sad. I also keep starting & stopping the hundred push-up challenge. And my yoga habit. Basically, I'm a complete failure at physical activity.

Hopefully, we'll be able to keep each other motivated. Or this will backfire & we'll call each other, crying into pints of ice cream. Either way, this is about to get really entertaining. And painful.

Don't expect any before pictures. Hopefully, we'll be able to brag with some after shots--maybe a few months from now, far beyond the 30 day challenge at our graduations (my sister from high school & me from a Master's program).

Let's do this.
